
[복지] 노인장기요양기관 종사자가 인식하는 시설장의 윤리경영이 서비스 질에 미치는 영향 김대길

2023.10.17 22:50 326 0
  • - 첨부파일 : 노인장기요양기관 종사자가 인식하는 시설장의 윤리경영이 서비스 질에 미치는 영향 김대길.pdf (5.4M) - 다운로드



The Effects of Ethical Management of Facility Managers Perceived by Employees of Long-Term Care Agencies on Service Quality

Kim Dae-kihl

The purpose of this study is to find ways to improve the quality of services provided to clients by verifying whether there is a mediating effect of organizational commitment and job satisfaction in the relationship between the effect of the manager's awareness of ethical management on service quality by employees of long-term care institutions for the elderly. The purpose of this study is to provide basic data that can be used in the field of social welfare practice.

The subjects of this study were executive directors, social workers, nurses (nursing assistants), nursing care workers, and other workers who were engaged in nursing facilities for the elderly in Seoul and western  Gyeonggi-do. Data collection was conducted from June 1 to June 25, 2021, and 388 of the 407 collected were used for the final analysis. The results of this study are as follows.

The conclusion of this study is that it is necessary to improve service quality through the promotion of awareness of ethical management and the mediation of job satisfaction by the head of a long-term care facility for the elderly. Based on this, the suggestions for improving the service quality of long-term care institutions for the elderly are as follows.

First, there is a need to strengthen the ethical management consciousness of the head of the long-term care facility for the elderly.

Second, it is necessary to establish and spread the ethical management culture through the production and dissemination of ethical management practice manuals for senior long-term care institutions.

Third, as a way to increase job satisfaction by raising employees' awareness of ethical management by the head of the facility, expand ethical management awareness training for employees to provide opportunities for the representative of employees to participate in important decision-making by participating in the operating committee of the institution to motivate employees need to be given

Key words: Ethical management of facility head, service quality, long-term care institution for the elderly, ethical management awareness

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